Nagrade i priznanja – Kompanija – Nagrade i priznanja

Red Dot Award: Best of the Best 2017
Bilo gde da ste na svetu, red dot award je svojevrsni pečat kojim Vam se garantuje kvalitet. Samo najbolji na tržištu zasluže ovo priznanje. BORA Classic je ovu impresivnu nagradu osvojio u kategoriji “dizajn proizvoda”, čime je ovoj proizvodnoj liniji potvrđeno priznanje za tehnološku efikasnost, inovativnost kojom se ističe i za atraktivni dizajn.

Good Design Award 2017 – Chicago Athenaeum
BORA Professional 2.0 has received its first ever award in the USA. The Chicago Athenaeum has now announced the winners of the Good Design Awards 2017. GOOD DESIGN® is one of the world’s most prestigious and recognised Design Award programmes. The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies have jointly presented the award in the categories consumer products, graphics and packaging design since 1950. In 2017, products from 46 nations were recognised for their outstanding designs.

Germany – Land of Ideas
Jedno od 365 mesta koja su 2009. predstavljala Nemačku kao “zemlju ideja”, bio je Raubling, sedište BORA kompanije.Ova inicijativa, koja za cilj ima predstavljanje i izlaganje svih “ koji otelotvoruju inovaciju, ingenioznost i snalažljivost Nemačke”, zajednički je poduhvat Ministarstva trgovine i vlade.

Plus X Award
Plus X Award nagrada pripada onima koji zaslužuju priznanje za proizvod održiv na tržištu, koji je istovremeno inovativan, a život čini ne samo lepšim, već i lakšim. Procenjivan u kategorijama u kojima se zahteva visok kvalitet, dizajn, inovativnost, jednostavnost upotrebe i funkcionalnost, BORA Basic je osvojio nagradu. A samo najbolji od najboljih osvajaju istovremeno i priznanje – znak kvaliteta “Proizvod godine”, a upravo je takav i BORA Basic.

German Brand Award
A panel of experts from the German Design Council named BORA among the winners in the Kitchens category of the German Brand Award 2016 for its successful brand management. The competition aims to discover, present and commend brands and their creators. The awards go to innovative brands with consistent and sustainable brand management – cutting-edge companies in the brand world.

German Design Award
The German Design Award is a top, internationally renowned award presented by the German Design Council. Regarded as one of the world’s most prestigious design competitions, it enjoys an outstanding reputation within professional circles and far beyond. The BORA Basic BFI (Basic surface induction) was named winner of the Excellent Product Design category in 2016.

BORA Professional was designated ‘ICONIC AWARDS 2016: Interior Innovation – Best of Best’ by a panel of experts from the German Design Council.

Plus X Award
The Plus X Award honours innovative and future-oriented products that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. BORA Basic received the award in the Innovation, High Quality, Design, Ease of Use and Functionality categories. Only the best of the best are furthermore named ‘Best Product of the Year’ like the BORA Basic in 2013 and the BORA Basic with surface induction in 2015.

Best of Corporate Publishing Award
The BCP Best of Corporate Publishing is Europe’s largest corporate communication competition. BORA received the award for the development of the app version of its new digital catalogue, the BORA customer handbook. Particular focus was placed on not only the quality of the content but also the commitment to good design and signs of efficiency.

Red Dot Product Design Award
The Red Dot Award is an internationally recognised quality seal that is only given to the very best products. The BORA Classic received the coveted award in the Product Design category for its efficient technology, outstanding innovation and attractive design.

Deutschland Land der Ideen (Germany Land of Ideas)
In 2009, BORA’s site in Raubling was one of the 365 places that represented Germany as the ‘Land of Ideas’. The joint initiative between the business community and Federal Government highlights all those ‘who epitomise innovation, inventiveness and ingenuity’.

Deutscher Gründerpreis (German Entrepreneurs’ Award)
The ‘Deutscher Gründerpreis’ is one of the key awards for German entrepreneurs. It is presented for exemplary performance in the development of innovative and sustainable business ideas as well as the creation of new companies. BORA won the trophy in the Start-up category in 2010.